Tithes | Offerings | Donations


selfless donations for kingdom projects

Payment Details

Monthly tithes can be paid to the bank details below:

Account name: Overcomers Sanctuary

Bank account: 1014340137

Bank name: Zenith Bank

Offerings can be paid to the bank details below:

Account name: Overcomers Sanctuary

Bank account: 1014340137

Bank name: Zenith Bank

Project donations can be paid to the bank details below:

Account name: Overcomers Sanctuary

Bank account: 1014015503

Bank name: Zenith Bank

Turning point donations can be made into the bank details below:

Account name: Overcomers Sanctuary

Bank account: 1015591417

Bank name: Zenith Bank

Teens and children offerings can be paid to the bank details below:

Account name: Overcomers Sanctuary

Bank account: 1220003363

Bank name: Zenith Bank

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